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Bobby Valentine

I believe you are dead on Preacher Wade! Further "expository preaching" keeps the preacher from his pet issues and it grounds the congregation in the word of God. We actually begin to think in terms of the great story rather than in disconnected topics that may or may not be of vital importance with the biblical witness itself. This does not mean we never address "topics" but "topics" are first seen through the lenses of the Story.

Wade Tannehill


Thank you for your comment. I couldn't have said it better.

David Dallas


We are just completing a study of Romans this month in our Sunday morning Bible class. Guess what--the teacher skipped chapters 9-11. The theme presented "Accessing our Legacy in Christ"

That said--you are right about the benefits of expository preaching.

Wade Tannehill

Thanks, David. How interesting that Romans 9-11 was my example and that is what was skipped.

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