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I am very happy for you! Congratulations! God is good and has opened another door for you and your family! Continue in your exuberance for it will serve you well.

Wade Tannehill


Thanks for reading and thanks for commenting. Drop in here any time.


That's great news, Wade! I'm really happy for you.

Wade Tannehill


Thanks. And thanks for all your encouragement over the months. It means a great deal.


ALRIGHT!!! GREAT NEWS and i am happy for you. God is good.

Wade Tannehill


Thanks for stopping by to celebrate with me!


I am thrilled for you and your family! God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. He always provides when we put our trust in Him. You have been thrown some curves and I am proud of your faithfulness. I'll be looking forward to your writing again.

Wade Tannehill


It is amazing how he has provided not only in terms of a new job, but how he provided throughout the time-in-between. Through the harder times we gain stronger testimonies.


Congratulation!!!! I am so encouraged to see things working out for you. God always seems to work things out. I'm just giddy! God Bless you my friend!


Wade Tannehill


Thank you so much!


Congratulations brother.
I want you to know that you have been in my prayers and will continue to be in my prayers.
My God bless you and your family more than you can fathom.

Wade Tannehill


Thanks. And may God do the same for your family.


Yea!! Wade, I just saw this and am so happy for you and your family. Thanks for the update. --Frank


Good!!!! :)

Wade Tannehill


Thank you!

Wade Tannehill


Thanks. I appreciate your encouragement and prayers.

Bob Bliss

Wade, glad to hear you are in the pulpit again. May God bless you in your work.

Titus Robison

Congratulations on the new job. Thanks again for your letter of rec. as well. It worked. We will be leaving in January for Italy. We are still a little short on funds, but are trusting God with what is needed. Thanks for your help and say hi to your family.

Wade Tannehill


Thanks for your encouragement through these difficult months. It's great to have someone who understands.

Wade Tannehill


Thank you and congratulations to you as well. Keep me posted on your work and your whereabouts. I want to keep in touch and know what's going on with you.

Steve Barrett


I dropped in after a long hiatus. Congratulations! Shalom. Steve

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