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You and Skillet, who knew.

Wade Tannehill


There's a lot about me that would surprise some folks.


Sounds like Skillet really cooks!


sounds like the concert was great!


Wouldn't you look cool with a mohawk and a couple of tats.


Funny you mentioned all these groups. Some friends heard alot of these folks in Nashville last Thurs. They really enjoyed them

Wade Tannehill


Great to hear from you again. Your friends must have attended one of the concerts of this same tour.


I hadn't been able to reach you in today. Won't give me your home number which I can understand. I am soliciting prayers again for my health. You can learn more on my blog. It may clear up some behavior issues. I have always considered you my best friend, mentor, fellow scholar, an example to follow after. You if anyone is righteous. I need your prayers. Yesterday was a scary day. Yet, God answered the most scary prayer of all I don't have any brain tummors. Please pray for me brother because you are a righteous man. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful & effective! I love you brother.
Kinney Mabry


Hey, it's been forever since I've posted, but I'm back and better than ever. Good to see you again.

I'm such a huge Skillet fan. They put on a great show. I've been with them since their self titled cd, which had a big skillet on the front of it.

Take care!


Hey Uncle Wade! I'm glad you had such a good time there! I told you they were good! I LOVE Skillet! I soooo wish I had any of their cds! (hint, hint) ;)
Barlow Girl are great too! Listen to them everyday! Newsong has a LOT of great songs....we sing some of them in worship at church! Did you take any other photos there? I'd love to see them!
Give my love to the family! <3
Love you always!

Wade Tannehill


Thanks for stopping by. Glad you're back at it! Skillet rocks!

Wade Tannehill


You're so blessed to have such a cool uncle who understands your music. :)

I guess you could put the Skillet cd on your Christmas list. Christmas is in March, right? ;)

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